Saturday, January 24, 2009

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday, January 1, 2009

#1 Son's New Truck

He won it at work. Totally cool.

#2 Son: The Rock Star

Christmas Snowman

Check out the cute little train. My mom gave me this for Christmas.

Stephen and Cake - Yum!

New Orleans Wedding Pictures

We spent Christmas at home, but Hubby and I flew to New Orleans the next day for a wedding. We had a great time catching up with friends. I forgot how damp it was in New Orleans! We flew back to home on Monday morning, December 29th.

Family Picture

This is our 2008 Christmas Photo. From left to right is #1 Son (no, he does not play basketball), #2 Son (the Rock Star), me, and Hubby. I'm about 5'10", Hubby is about 6'1", so that should give you a clue about how tall our sons are.

First Post to Our New Blog

Welcome! This will be where I put all of our family news.